First let me apologise for not having updated in quite some time, it turns out that moving to a new country takes up a lot of your time and resources. That being said, I will probably be cutting back to only one update a week for the next wee while.
I quite often talk about how to maximise your chances of winning a game through various strategies. Another way is to minimise thoughts and actions that can cause you to lose. More specifically, DON'T GO ON TILT! Having been watching peoples recordings of themselves playing Magic Online I'm amazed at how easily some players will fly into either a rage-filled mindset, or else just become totally nihilistic. What also surprises me is how petty some of these things are. For example, your opponent taking an excessive amount of time to pass priority. Yes it's annoying but in online magic it just runs down their clock giving you another win condition, and maybe before you start raging you could politely mention that you would appreciate them playing faster.It is quite possible that they are new to the game and aren't aware of the keyboard short-cuts that they can use to help speed up the game.
What I find most concerning is that if someone were to behave like this in a game of paper magic the judge wouldn't even bother to penalise the player playing slowly because they would be too busy removing the other player from the tournament.
Losing is a skill, if you know that you're not good at it then please try and improve. Play some casual games with friends with silly prizes, like jelly-beans or a lucky dip for the winner. Personally if I lose to someone then I like to get in behind them and support them for the rest of the tournament, this is partially so I can claim that I only lost to the best but also because it means that I'm going to be able to remain calm and happy during the rest of my games.
So please don't go on tilt, it just makes you more likely to lose and also makes it less fun for those around you.
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